Archive | September 2013


The inception of the movie industry not only invokes a sense of nostalgia but shows the expressive spirit of mankind.  In 1912, Carl Laemmle founded Universal Studios, what would be one of the leaders of cinematic innovation for years to come.  He set up the entire enterprise from just a few nickelodeons and revolutionized the movie industry.  A new medium was introduced, film, and it brought the world to its knees.  He encouraged people to explore and innovate, the rest is cinematic history.

Growing up, my father owned a chain of movie theaters and I was very interested in the industry.  I would always try to help my father in whatever way I could and frequently watched films in the theater.  To this day, one of the most awe inspiring and impressionable things I have seen is the introduction to every single Universal Studios production.  Yes, the iconic, trumpeting music playing while the shimmering, radiant Earth revolving while the words “Universal Studios” appear.  I always felt it was a testament to the creative nature of man and how the world is our canvas for innovating ideas and to ultimately share them.  The success of Universal didn’t just come from luck, it came from the hard work of aspiring individuals. From Steven Spielberg to Ron Howard, innovators have helped to shape not only how cinema has progressed through the years, but how people think.  Thinking big.  Expressing sentiments and ideas.

